If you are a fan of korean movies or have just seen one passingly I am sure you would have noticed a scene where they ate and drank Soju (usually followed by a drunk scene). They would pour a pec of soju into a small glass and down it as a shot... then they would crinkle their face and let out a sorta sigh... One would imagine that must be some potent stuff right?
So I got curious.... I decided that since I was having some Korean a few nites back, I might as well re-enact the infamous scene... haha!! I even convinced my fren to down the shot like in the movies... So Kan Pei!!!!

The outcome of it was unfortunately quite disappointing... It wasnt potent at all... I mean the achohol level was 19.5% so it wasnt really high... but there was no sharp piercing feeling when you down it at one shot!! None at all!!! Even a normal vodka, tequila or whisky was a better kick... this just went smoothly down... So now I know what those actors were doing in the movies.. "Acting lor".... Haha!! I got conned... but I would recommend this drink to anyone who wants to have a go...It's quite nice to drink... :)
haha they always looked as if they were downing methanol.